Dear visitor, welcome to my blog about running, gadgets, fun stuff, etc. I am a fun-runner, who is more focused on running/cycling/hiking at beautiful landscapes with a good company, than beating my PB for a given distance. I created this blog to post about stuff that I am often asked about, so that I can just send the link and run instead 😂 Posts are few and far between, and usually long. If this is your cup of tea, then enjoy the content.
Essentially, there are 3 different ways for me to run my races:
Now, this page is about those category 3 races, where the unfortunate target of my attention ran Her/His first half marathon or marathon with the added difficulty of enduring my often annoying company. Being part of someone conquering such an achievement is always a very uplifting experience. Luckily, this is something I had the pleasure of doing plenty of times, and the snapshots below serve as a collection / reminder for me to smile on while having a nostalgia breakdown 😁. (Personal information of those who chose not to appear are hidden.)